The Knight is our most popular high performance Stand Up Paddle Board. This board does everything incredibly well. It paddles so fast it feels like a race board. The Knight is great for flat water paddling in oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, and harbors. The Knight is loved by everyone who rides it.
The Knight model will give you a smooth fast glide across the water for a traditional SUP board feel. Although it was originally designed to be surfed on waves, the Knight is one of the fastest paddling boards around. Customers call and write us all the time to tell us how they love this board! Make a special point of visiting the review section for this board to see what others have to say about the Knight.
For you surfers, the Knight models allow you to carve waves and easily paddle very long distances. The Knight has great drive off the bottom, fast trim speed, excellent nose riding, and a loose feel. This board will allow you to milk every ounce of energy from a wave. It likes to be ridden on waves from 6" up to 5'.
The Knight Model is designed for all skill levels; from beginner through expert. The Knight has a vee-bottom running the full length of the board. It has a concave nose and double barrel concaves in the rear 1/3rd of the bottom. The vee helps the board resist the yawing from side to side caused by paddling on one side of the board at a time. Customers often find they can paddle almost exclusively on one side of the board without switching hands with the paddle. The vee also allows you to rock the board over on one side or the other to make turning a breeze. The double concaves accelerate the flow of water under the board which helps maintain a consistent glide through the water. The concaves give the board a "squirt" feel when the board is ridden on waves.
The knight has the widest point in the outline located approximately 4" ahead of center. By comparison the Dauminator has the wide point 6" ahead of center. The SS Model has the wide point 2" ahead of center. The Eye Opener has it's wide point right at center. The further forward the wide point the better the board rides from the nose. The closer the wide point is to the tail the better the board rides when turned off the tail. Thus you can choose the type of board that best suits your style. The Knight and SS Models offer the most balanced combination of benefits.
The Board Design:
- The deck has a flat standing area for a wide comfortable stance while paddling.
- The bottom has a full length vee bottom that is deepest in the nose and tail with a deep nose concave that breaks into dual concaves running off the end of the tail. This gives you great glide, stability, high paddling speeds, fantastic nose riding, and unbelievably fast turning on waves.
- The rails are very thin for penetrating the face of a wave. This allows you to carve waves on the rails.
Colors, Colors, Colors!
The Knight comes in a wide selection of colors. However, if you want something special, let us build you a custom colored board. The Knight is also available in any deck and bottom color of your choice. We can provide custom colored deck pads upon request. Just let us know what you want.
The Above Image Shows a Knight with a Lime Green Bottom, a Light Yellow Deck, a Black Pin Line, and a Lime Green Deck Pad.